PRO-Future small grants: Results of 2019/2020 Public Call Published

Youth, informal groups, associations of war victims, NGOs dedicated to promoting interreligious dialogue and municipalities/cities where the PRO-Future project is implemented submitted their ideas and projects focused on building peace and trust.

We are pleased to inform you that 78 project proposals have been approved and will be implemented soon. 

RESULTS are available here.

The appeal period end on March 5, 2020. Applicants submit complaints exclusively via email to An official complaint should contain the following elements:

Email subject: Number of the public call you applied to
Email contents (Word document):         

  1. 1. Name of the informal group/organization/church and religious community/working group
  2. 2. Project title
  3. 3. Type of grant you applied for
  4. 4. Reason for the complaint

Grants for initiatives that contribute to the reconciliation process, build trust in BiH, advocate for peace, promote a common vision for a stable future and connect local communities are continuously provided funds through small grants awarded by USAID’s PRO-Future project.

USAID’s project PRO-Future is implemented by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in cooperation with Caritas BiH, the Institute for Youth Development KULT, Forum of Citizens of Tuzla (FGT), Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly (hCA) and the Interreligious Council in BiH (MRV BiH).

We wish you a lot of success in implementing your activities!

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