Trebinje – Introductory Workshop by Entrepreneurial Fund for Youth

The Entrepreneurial fund for providing support for launching and developing youth-owned businesses was presented at the City Administration of the City of Trebinje, on 10th December 2018.

Representatives of the Institute for Youth Development KULT talked to Trebinje’s youth about presenting their business ideas through a business plan, and completing the business plan form which is an integral part of the application to the Public call for funding and co-funding the best business plans of young people from Trebinje. Conditions, how to apply and other technical details regarding the Public call were presented by representatives of the City of Trebinje.

The public call for funding and co-funding the best business plans with joint funds of the Cazin Municipality and the Institute for Youth Development KULT, with the support of the Embassy of Sweden in BiH, intended to support the development of entrepreneurship and youth employment in this municipality is open until 23th December 2018.

More information about this Public call is available on the website of the City of Trebinje.

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