KONZUM BiH adopted the Charter on Business and Human Rights developed by the Institute for Youth Development KULT.
Nenad Imširović, Director of the Society said that Konzum strongly supports these types of projects and is committed to protecting all human rights in the business sector. He also noted that he is proud that Konzum BiH is among the first big companies in BiH to adopt the Charter.
The Charter consists of 15 articles concerning the prevention of human rights violations, involving stakeholders to ensure their voices and needs are heard, expressing commitment to equality, positive work environment, no forced labor or involvement in human trafficking, the right to a communication system that offers all employees confidentiality when reporting.
“The way we run our business and our lifestyles show how committed we are to respecting and protecting human rights. We agree with all 15 articles of the Charter, and willingly and happily implement them in our business”, said the Executive Director of Kozum BiH, Ms. Nedeljka Bilić.
Jasmin Bešić, Executive Director of the Institute for Youth Development KULT, said that intersectoral cooperation is crucial and that the Institute is willing to work on other projects that involve the business sector as a major stakeholder.
The Institute for Youth Development KULT will continue presenting the Charter to businesses, and reinforcing the importance of protecting human rights in the BiH business sector as a necessary step towards EU accession.
The Charter on Business and Human Rights was created in cooperation with the Association of Employers of FBiH and with the financial support of the European Union.
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