The dynamic system of a local youth policy emerges and continues in existence depending on the quality of associates and the degree of importance that a municipality assigns to youth. Such a system endures only if an expert associate, who conscientiously does his/ her job, has been employed within the local administration. A Youth Officer means a civil servant who has a professional qualification for youth work which certifies the knowledge of youth policies and youth work. (Youth Law of FBiH, Article 4, Official Gazette of FBiH no. 36/10)
The fields of action in which Youth Officers
have an indispensable role have been crystallised in
many communities all around the world. Their role,
actually, comprises as follows:
- A Youth Officer represents a link between the
administrative structure and political entities.
- A Youth Officer indirectly provides support to
young people, i.e. he/she is not necessarily engaged in
the course of conducting pedagogical youth work.
- A Youth Officer is capable of reacting, in a
pedagogical, organisational and political manner, in
different and variable situations, and has the ability to
monitor new development processes.
A Youth Officer is, primarily, in charge of coordinating
and planning youth strategies. In the course of making
plans, he/she considers particular goals to be accomplished in cooperation with associations, youth volunteers and all interested parties (the so-called stakeholders). The fields of action incorporate:
- commencing the conceptual planning of and
developing a youth strategy, as well as
monitoring its implementation,
- initiating and supporting activities to be
carried out by and the establishment of
cooperation with various groups and
- ensuring the development of and
supporting groups, i.e. associations that
manage premises intended for youth/youth
- representing youth interests,
- youth counselling, acting as the contact
person for youth and various groups,
- generating opportunities for youth
participation, youth forums, youth
advisory boards,
- advising public institutions and committees,
- establishing and maintaining cooperation
with schools, associations, youth councils,
religious communities, institutions, and with
organisations outside their own community,
which provide youth support,
- supporting youth work carried out by various
associations and youth councils, etc.
Institute for Youth Development KULT delivers, in cooperation with the BiH Ministries accountable for ensuring the professional development of Youth Officers, a certified training course intended for persons employed within local community structures and at higher levels of government responsible for tackling youth issues. For more information, please visit the Institute’s website.
A Youth Officer has to possess professional competencies (knowledge and skills) to be able to perform this position as part of a civil service entity. In order for a Youth Officer to acquire particular knowledge, he/she needs to pursue professional development opportunities and training courses. This comprises a range of training courses and retraining, keeping abreast of professional literature, study visits to other places in the country and abroad, in accordance with the needs and capabilities (A Guide to the Youth Law of FBiH, 2011).