Human rights


Upon attending the workshop on Human rights, the participants acquire the basic knowledge about the concept of human rights, human rights protection systems at the national and international level, national and international institutions in charge of protecting human rights. An important part of the workshop is an interactive discussion about the key issues in the field of human rights, existing laws and anti-discrimination mechanisms. A special reference is given to various forms of discrimination people are exposed to throughout their lives, in different fields (education, employment, gender, race, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, and the like).


The target group comprises young people, 15 to 30 years of age, who deal with the term human rights on a daily basis, but are not sufficiently familiar with human rights protection mechanisms.


The importance of the Unit on Human rights is reflected in the fact that only a citizen who has knowledge of his/her rights that he/she is entitled to as a member of a particular community can be an active citizen. Young people get introduced to the history of human rights development in order to gain the insight into the reasons supporting the struggle for particular rights, then they are prompted to think about the significance of this struggle in the light of the existing human rights protection mechanisms. Young people are often not fully aware of the interdependence between human rights and their status in the society. This is why the training course encourages them to get engaged in social flows with greater courage and confidence, while bearing in mind the rights they are entitled to as the society members. The instance of overcoming stereotypes and prejudices towards certain groups is one of the greatest challenges, therefore it is important how young people treat and behave towards a group, and to what extent they will violate their human rights by means of various forms of discrimination.


During the workshops, the participants are given the opportunity to acquire the knowledge about human rights upon being guided through the following stages:
1. human rights development history,
2. human rights and democracy,
3. classification of human rights,
4. basic human rights elements,
5. human rights protection documents,
6. human rights protection mechanisms within one’s own country and across the world,
7. governments’ and countries’ responsibility for human rights,
8. human rights in practice,
9. conscientious objection,
10. human rights violations,
11. prejudices, stereotypes and discrimination.


The Unit objectives are:
1. introduce young people to the concept of human rights and the basic corresponding mechanisms at the local and international level,
2. use the theoretical knowledge, and allow the self-initiating ability to prevent human rights violations, and the instance of responding to such violations taking place in their local community,
3. learn about the basic human rights and get an insight into the systemic development of human rights,
4. apply the acquired knowledge under concrete circumstances,
5. become familiar with the definition of prejudices, stereotypes and discrimination, and learn how to recognise them in the society.

A leader who exerts his/her influence keeping in mind the basic human rights principles (equality, indivisibility, universality) changes the world around himself/herself, while developing a new vision of the society which relates its progress to the respect for human rights.


Young people who successfully undertake the workshops on Human rights become much more sensitive and open to collaboration. They get trained to strive towards preventing human rights violations, react upon facing discrimination, but also to promote democratic principles as they rely on their own efforts.


The methodology incorporates group work performed in smaller or larger groups, plenary discussions, audiovisual presentations, simulations of real-life situations, and various creative workshops that promote an active acquisition of knowledge. During one of the workshops, the participants have to do a task as part of which the trainer reads aloud statements about particular attitudes (e.g. it is better to have a place to live than to have a chance to travel), whereby they form two groups – one that agrees and the other one that disagrees with the statements. This activity is followed by a discussion about their stands.


The participants have to find the right photo for and write their opinion about each of the six human rights that the trainer presents for their homework assignment.


A customised approach when working with groups which are particularly vulnerable to discrimination. The emphasis can be placed on gender discrimination but also on some other forms of discrimination.


2 days, 9 hours, 6 units (1.5 hours each)



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