Youth policy


The training course on Youth policy addresses the topic of how young people can engage in decision-making processes, particularly in those related to resolving young people’s problems and meeting their needs.


The target group comprises young people, 15 to 30 years of age, who are, for the first time, introduced to the concept of a youth policy, who get the opportunity to learn what the term youth policy means, how young people can successfully participate in the process of its development, and how to apply it in everyday life, especially in relation to local authorities.


One of the basic ideas of this training course is to make the participants familiar with how public authorities, especially at the grassroots, address youth issues. They can argue in favour of the improvement of their position and status only if they are knowledgeable about the mechanisms for facilitating their involvement in decision-making processes. Therefore, it is necessary for them to become acquainted with various indicators that make a youth policy in one local community efficient. The topic encourages the participants to think about their own involvement in the community, engage their peers, and take a stand as equal partners primarily in the political decision-making process.


The educational topics are:
1. different definitions of policies,
2. youth policy,
3. youth policy elements,
4. youth policy mechanisms,
5. legal position of young people in BiH,
6. elements and examples of youth policies in the neighbouring countries and in some of the EU countries,
7. youth strategy,
8. youth strategy development steps,
9. survey on youth problems and needs at the local level,
10. examples of the development of municipal strategies and policies,
11. making an action plan according to particular fields.


The Unit objectives are:
1. introduce young people to the basic definition of a policy,
2. align the importance of policy implementation, especially of youth strategies at all levels of government and in all sectors,
3. create a definition of a youth policy and a youth strategy at the municipal level,
4. clearly specify the steps for developing a youth strategy and the corresponding procedures,
5. define the persons (institutions) accountable for creating strategies,
6. exchange experiences in the course of developing a strategy,
7. determine the basic guidelines, objectives and essence of strategies in the target municipalities,
8. create a good theoretical basis that young people will be able to follow and use with understanding upon considering a youth policy,
9. enable young people to share their opinions and knowledge about issues related to youth policies and youth strategies,
10. help young people to take part in the process as of defining the concept all the way to the implementation of the final document.


Young people who have successfully completed this workshop know what youth policies are and how they can actively participate in the development, adoption and implementation of a local youth strategy. In this way, young people become equal partners in the decision-making process. They get trained to work in the field of youth policies and assist local authorities in the process of implementing a local youth strategy


The methodology incorporates group work performed in smaller or larger groups, plenary discussions, audiovisual presentations, simulations of real-life situations, and various creative workshops that promote an active acquisition of knowledge. During one of the workshops, the participants organise a meeting of nongovernmental organisations from the region of Sretnograd with the Mayor. During the meeting, they have to present arguments in support of their belief that their respective organisation should join the local Commission for the Coordination of Youth Issues in the course of pursuing its efforts.


Young people have to explore youth strategies introduced in their communities and collect the data on how they can actively influence and work on them. In addition, young people can conduct an interview with the Youth Officer from their local community and learn more about the process of developing a youth strategy.


A special emphasis is placed on young people as agents in the decision-making process. It is important to include young people from rural areas, as well as young people with special needs.


2 days, 9 hours, 6 units (1.5 hours each)



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