Institute Continues Sharing Knowledge: What Did ASuBiH Representatives Think of Their Visit?

Today, the Institute for Youth Development KULT hosted representatives of the Association of Secondary School Students in BiH.

Our guests had the chance to chat with the Institute’s staff, share experiences, and gain new knowledge they can use in their future work.

“I kept thinking how great it would have been if this visit had happened earlier when we had just started working with the Institute. I think that after today’s visit, we understand a lot better how the institute functions and why all the procedures they have are necessary. We also got some ideas about how to integrate some of what we heard and saw today into the work of our own organization”, said Tijana Vujinović, project coordinator.

“The visit was very useful because now I have answers to some questions I had at the very beginning of the new project that we will be implementing with the Institute. I think we learned a lot of useful things today that are applicable to our own work. Although our organization is smaller than the Institute and we simply lack the capacities for some things, we will do our best to incorporate what we can,” said Lamija Lapo, project coordinator.

All previous visits have proven to be very useful because partner organizations are happy to implement what they saw and learned during the visit.

Providing the opportunity for representatives of organizations to learn about the procedures at the Institute and ask questions allows us to come up with new ideas and opportunities together.

You can read more about the concept of Job shadowing  HERE, and if you have any questions, you can contact us at

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