A growing number of companies are choosing to sign the Charter on Business and Human Rights. Among them is Violeta, one of the...
Byadmin26.08.2020Companies in BiH are increasingly more aware of the importance of ensuring respect for human rights in their operations, which is why many...
Byadmin08.08.2020Today, another 10 companies publicly supported effort to protect human rights in business. Some of the largest companies in BiH were presented with...
Byadmin04.08.2020KONZUM BiH adopted the Charter on Business and Human Rights developed by the Institute for Youth Development KULT. Nenad Imširović, Director of the...
Byadmin07.07.2020Today, public institutions in Sarajevo Canton attended an online meeting during which they were presented with guidelines for the accreditation process for long-term...
Byadmin16.06.2020During a meeting held on June 12, 2020, representatives of the Association of Employers of FBiH presented the Charter on Business and Human...
Byadmin16.06.2020The Institute for Youth Development KULT hosted a meeting with the Association of Employers of BiH, our partners on the initiative “Improving Human...
Byadmin09.06.2020The Charter on Business and Human Rights has been created using the Methodology for designing the Charter on Business and Human Rights, written...
Byadmin14.05.2020The EU Info Center hosted a presentation of the Methodology for developing the Charter of Human Rights in the Business Sector in BiH”,...