The Institute for Youth Development KULT hosted a meeting with the Association of Employers of BiH, our partners on the initiative “Improving Human Rights Corporate Accountability in the BiH Business Sector”, funded by the European Union.
During the meeting, partners presented current activities and documents produced so far: Charter on Business and Human Rights, Baseline Analysis of Human Rights in the Business Sector in BiH, Methodology and online platform We agreed on an outline for continuing our cooperation on encouraging companies to adopt these documents and developing the platform for matching companies and associations. Partners also plan to cooperate on preparing, organizing and implementing a public campaign to inform BiH companies about the benefits of signing the Charter and introducing corporate volunteering into their culture.
The initiative “Improving Human Rights in the BiH Business Sector” is based on UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and aims to ensure respect for human rights in all segments of business operations of BiH business owners, regardless of their size or type of activity.
The Institute for Youth Development KULT, in cooperation with the Association of Employers of FBiH, will send the Charter to businesses and present the concept of corporate volunteering so as many companies as possible sign the Charter and integrate its principles into their business operations.
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