City of Visoko Adopts First Youth Strategy

During their 10th session, the Visoko City Council adopted the first Youth Strategy for the period of 2020 – 2024. The Strategy was adopted by 21 votes with one abstention, providing the foundation for better quality implementation of youth policies in this local community.

The Institute for Youth Development KULT was involved in the process of preparing the Strategy as advisory support. In 2019, the Institute and the Department for Social Affairs conducted a survey on the position and needs of young people in Visoko. Soon after, the Working Group for developing the strategy was appointed.

During 2019, the Working Group held numerous meetings and consultations with various departments in the City Administration, and prepared a Draft Youth Strategy. The Institute provided advisory support to the Working Group, particularly to their coordinator – the Youth Officer for Visoko Municipality, who managed the entire process. Representatives of youth organizations were included in the development process to ensure that this crucial document is truly legitimate and useful.

Youth in Visoko now have a strategic document whose implementation will improve their position in terms of employment and entrepreneurship, education, healthcare, security, activism, culture and sports, and social care.

The next step for the City Administration is creating an action plan for the first year of implementation, with a detailed budget.  

The session was attended by a representative of the Institute for Youth Development KULT. 

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