Preparations Begin for Developing Youth Strategy of Municipality Centar Sarajevo

In June of this year, the Institute for Youth Development KULT and the Municipality Centar Sarajevo signed a cooperation agreement for developing the Municipality’s new Youth Strategy for the period of 2021-2025. 

The Youth Council of Centar Municipality, in cooperation with the Institute, has now started preparing for the development of the Strategy. Trainings were held for volunteers who will be interviewing young people in Centar Municipality to learn about their needs and problems. This way, young people will be involved in the process of developing the strategy, and representatives of the Youth Council will be included in the working groups.

The interviewers learned about the methodology for interviewing young people, the importance of this step for developing the youth strategy and the locations of each local community in this municipality. 

Future interviewers were very interested in learning about the methodology and the topics that they will be talking to young people about. They were also familiarized with measures intended to protect them and the interviewees from COVID-19.

At the same time, the Institute is supporting the Centar Municipality and their Youth Officer in forming a coordination body and working groups for developing the Youth Strategy.  

All local self-government units in FBiH are required to develop youth strategies pursuant to the Law on Youth of FBiH, which the Institute helped develop prior to its adoption in 2010.

The Institute conducted this same survey 10 years ago in this municipality, and it will be interesting to compare the results and development over the past 10 years.

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