Workshop Held on Methodology for Developing “Citizen-Friendly Budget”

The Institute for Youth Development KULT took part in an online workshop on developing the methodology for preparing and publishing “citizen-friendly budgets”, held by the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of BiH.  

The methodology provides detailed reasoning and descriptions of all steps in the process of preparing, distributing and communicating the budget. The methodology also includes guidelines and examples, and can be used as a manual for developing a “citizen-friendly budget”.

“Citizen-friendly budget” is a document that presents the budget in a clear comprehensible way, explaining the terminology, various competencies, services, sequence of activities and the budget process presented in the budget calendar, and ways that citizens can get involved.

This is an important step forward towards more transparent and open communication of the Ministry with citizens – which is a must for greater involvement of citizens in the process of decision-making in budget development.

The methodology was developed with the support of the Governments of Germany and Great Britain, within the Programme for Strengthening of Public Institutions implemented by the German GIZ. Technical support on behalf of GIZ is provided by the EDA – Development Agency.

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