Online Platform Measures Government’s Youth-Friendliness

The largest database of government policies on youth issues is now available at The Institute for Youth Development KULT developed an innovative, user-friendly platform, intended for everyone who wants to learn about what the government has been doing to improve the position of young people at the state, cantonal and municipal levels.

In 2019, only 1 in 10 municipalities adopted and implemented a youth strategy – one of their obligations pursuant to youth laws.

“We’re seeing increasingly more young people leave Bosnia and Herzegovina. If the government doesn’t change the way it treats young people, then we can’t expect those numbers to change for the better,” said Aldin Alić from the Institute for Youth Development KULT, adding that the platform was launched today to make a point about being a useful tool for young people looking to cast an informed vote in the upcoming elections. helps young people get past prejudice or false information about an institution or elected official, by giving youth insight into whether they’re actually working to improve young people’s lives, regardless of how these officials or institutions are portrayed in public. For the past 10 years, the Institute for Youth Development KULT has been closely watching and analyzing youth policies in BiH by collecting official data on institutional mechanisms stipulated by BiH youth laws and international standards and recommendations.

The database of the platform has information on more than 470 politicians, 230 government institutions and 20 political parties.

The data used by to calculate every institution’s youth-friendliness index was collected directly from those institutions The Institute for Youth Development KULT sent questionnaires to every institution whose competence includes youth issues, which the institutions completed and returned to the Institute every year. Institutions that did not return their questionnaires were rated as having no institutional mechanisms for supporting youth.

The Institute for Youth Development KULT is urging young people to be informed voters and reminding government institutions of their obligation to implement mechanisms required of them by current youth laws.

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