The Institute for Youth Development KULT is issuing a Public call for submitting proposals for local civil initiatives (LCIs), exclusively for young individuals active in youth organisations and organisations dealing with youth issues, registered in accordance with the Youth Law of FBiH, the Law on Youth Organising in RS, or the Youth Law of Br?ko District.
Details are provided below.
LCI is a citizen-led activity intended to improve the local community and the society. Civil activities can be led by individuals or groups of citizens and their goal is to draw attention to concrete issues and solve the problems in their community.
The Institute for Youth Development KULT supported around 13 500 youth in BiH and the region in their initiatives for improving the position of youth in the society. Over the last 5 years, the Institute awarded more than BAM 2,5 in grants to non-governmental organizations. This is a testament to social consciousness and the citizens’ willingness, and the willingness of youth in particular, to affect positive changes in their communities.
Goal of the Public call
Recognizing and solving a problem in the local community through citizen-led action.
Conditions for applying to the Public call
- The project proposal for the LCI may be submitted by a team of at least two young people (18-30 years old) who have experience and are actively working in a youth organisation or an organisation working on youth issues.
- Two young persons or a team apply to the public call on behalf of the organisation or association they actively work with (volunteer), and the youth organisation or association will support the project administratively and financially.
- The LCI must be implemented in the local community where the organisation is active (but may also include neighbouring local communities).
- The project proposal must be submitted before the deadline in the manner defined in this Call.
- The project proposal must be clear and concrete, with a visible goal and outcome.
- Project activities may begin in March 2018, at the earliest, and end by August 1, 2018.
- The Institute may return the project proposal for adjustments if we believe that changes/amendments can be made that will improve the implementation process.
- The areas eligible for LCIs are:
- Ecology
- Culture and sports
- Security
- Leisure time
- Mobility
- Informedness
- Activism of persons with developmental disabilities
- Gender equality
- The Institute’s share of funds for implementing the project proposal may not exceed BAM 2 500 per organisation.
- The LCI includes at least 20 young people.
- Budget funds cannot be used for: procuring equipment, paying salaries and fees.
- The project will be promoted on social networks, internet portals, radio and television in all stages of the implementation.
Submitting the project proposal and budget
The project proposal (Application Form and Budget Proposal) are submitted exclusively in electronic form by using this link:, by November 17, 2017.
The forms you need for the project proposal are available here: Application Form LCI – YWU and Budget Porposal LCI – YWU.
A list of project proposals selected for funding will be published on the Institute’s website, by November 24, 2017 at the latest.
All questions regarding the RFA should be submitted exclusively to
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