Cigarette consummation begins at an early age, at 14, on average. In our country, according to research, over 35% of youth below and 16 years old regularly consumes cigarettes (3% over 20 cigarettes a day). By the age 18, 50% of youth smoke cigarettes and 22% of youth consider that smoking does not represent a great risk.
As a part of the “My Rights, My Decision” conducted by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fĂĽr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) with the support of Bayer HealthCare, peer educators of KULT commemorated today, on 31 May, in front of the Fourt Gymnasium in IlidĹľa, from 12.00 to 2.00 PM the World Anti-Smoking Day Campaign. On the occasion peer educators handed out promo-material and transferred to youth alarming facts on tobacco smoke, cancerogenous chemicals in cigarettes, that every smoked cigarette decreases life expectancy by 7 minutes… The anti-smoking campaign, besides in IlidĹľa, has been realised in other 20 municipalities.
“My Rights, My Decision” is a project of raising awareness on reproductive health and rights of youth aged between 14 and 26, and as a part of the project other topics of relevance for youth health will be included, such as preventing alcohol and cigarette addiction, preventing viloence and a healthy diet, and for the purpose of making healthy and right decisions.
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