Coffee Time With… Presidential Candidates

In BiH, having a cup of coffee is always a good excuse to talk about different topics, and the position of youth should be one of the topics important to all presidential candidates.

In order to support youth in understanding the election process for the BiH Presidency, the Institute for Youth Development KULT intends to organize informal meetings of youth with presidential candidates.

The Institute for Youth Development KULT is already known for our “Coffee time with…”- meaningful meetings of public personalities, politicians, youth and other inspirational and successful individuals from BiH with groups of youth people, talking about their experience, ideas and public issues relevant to youth.

“Coffee Time With…” is always organized in a less formal format, to motivate, encourage and challenge youth to share their ideas for improving the position of youth in BiH.

From June until October 2018, the Institute will organize a series of events with candidates for the BiH Presidency, and the first guest will be Boriša Falatar, candidate of the party Naša stranka.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina there are 700,000 youth, defined by law as persons between 15 and 30 years of age. They majority of youth are part of the electorate, and the Institute for Youth Development KULT wants to give them a chance to make an informed decision. We believe that youth should and must be included in the programs of political parties in BiH and it’s high time for the top level of government to prioritize youth in their discourse.

On the other hand, this way government representatives that youth elect will have the opportunity to align their election programs to actual needs of youth in BiH.

“Coffee Time With…presidential candidate” will be held in Sarajevo, for approximately 90 minutes. All youth from BiH under 35 can apply to attend and be part of a constructive dialogue on the problems and challenges faced by youth.

The link for applications will be included in all announcements of the program “Coffee Time With…”

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