Travnik should soon be getting a youth strategy for the 2019-2022 period.
The first meeting of leaders of working groups in charge of developing the document was held at the Youth Education Center.
Quality of the document is guaranteed by the fact that the working group (in addition to representatives of competent ministries and institutions) is comprised of a significant number of young people, who wanted to participate in developing the document. These are young people with a university education, who decided to use their knowledge to improve and develop their local community.
The first meeting included a training for participants, intended to teach them about the process of developing this document, the importance of youth strategies in local communities, the legislative groundwork, steps in developing the strategy, and difficulties they may encounter so that they can eliminate them on time.
Before the document is written, a survey will be conducted on the needs and problems of youth in the municipality of Travnik. The results will be presented to the public, and the working groups will use them as guidelines for developing the strategy.
The development of the strategy will be implemented by the Youth Education Center in cooperation with the Youth Commission of the Travnik Municipality, CSOs, sports clubs, cultural, medical, educational and other public institutions, whose representatives will participate in developing the strategy.
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