Youth in FBiH: Youth Strategy for Better Tomorrow

Youth of FBiH require better legislative, a better access to information and greater budget funds in all areas. These were just some of the conclusions during the dialogue “Youth Strategy in FBiH” that was held during the last two days between representatives of the Working Group for Developing Youth Strategy of FBiH and representatives of about 80 non-governmental organisations addressing youth, youth associations and Youth Councils. The conclusions of the dialogue will be used to create the first Youth Strategy in FBiH.

During the last two days a dialogue was held between relevant institutions and organistions in 7 different thematic fields:

Work, employment and youth enterpreneurship

Youth education and training

Youth social care

Youth health care

Youth safety

Culture and sports

Youth activism (participation, volunteering and mobility)

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Youth unemployment is one of the greatest issues of the category, as in BiH, so in FBiH, as well. The research conducted by the Institute for Youth Development KULT indicated to Bosnia and Herzegovina as the country with highest youth unemployment rates in Europe (67.1%). That is why youth demand the increase in budget allocations for youth self-employment. They demand the transparency of all processes and a better communication between institutions. There is a lack of practical classes in employment, they state. There is also a lack of informal education and a life-long learning process. The representatives of youth claim that in the field of social care there is a highly discernable discongruency at all levels in FBiH which, they add, creates implications that all youth of FBiH do not have equal rights. They demand the socially threatened youth to be enabled scholarships, to be partly or completely freed of paying tuition and to create conditions for better youth social care. As for health care, the fundamental problem is, as the participants concluded, the lack of formal and informal education of youth about healthcare – regarding health but also regarding the rights and options of youth in the field. 

Youth lack confidence in police and justice bodies – is the conclusion of youth that focused on the issue of safety, and those involved in the “Culture and Sports” group emphasized that budget funds have to be increased for the area and that the two items – culture and sports, have to be observed separately. Finally, it was concluded that the Youth Law of FBiH and Law on Volunteering of FBiH are insufficiently implemented. As a consequence, youth in FBiH are insufficiently active. In order to improve the position of youth, it is necessary to establish a Youth Council at a federal level, they state.

Organisers of the event “Dialogue: Youth Strategy in FBiH” are, as they claim, very pleased with the accoplished. “We are especially pleased that youth participate in developing the first strategic document intended for them. These conclusions will hopefully, by the end of this year, be the basis for designing the first Youth Strategy of FBiH”, emphasized Katarina Vu?kovi? from the Institute for Youth Development KULT.

Adopting Youth Strategy, at all federal levels is conditioned by the Youth Law of FBiH that was initiated by the Institute for Youth Developemnt KULT and that was adopted in June 2010. FBiH Government is currently in the process of developing the first strategic document for youth of the entity. The process of developing the Strategy is being coordinated by the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports, and the Institute for Youth Development KULT was designated to provide expert-advisory support in the process by a resolution of the FBiH Government.  

Even those who did not participate in the two-day dialogue may take part in developing the Strategy by stating their opinion HERE.

The event was organised as a part of Strengthening Youth Structures project, with the support of the EU and UNFPA. 

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