UNFPA Representative for BiH Visits Institute

Today, the Institute for Youth Development KULT welcomed UNFPA’s (United Nations Fund for Population Activities) Representative for BiH, Mr. John Kennedy Mosoti. During the visit, Mr. Mosoti learned about the Institute’s work and noted that the Institute is one of the most important partners for young people in BiH.

The participants also discussed the programs that the Institute is currently implementing with youth workers, local communities and decision-makers at all levels of government and talked about potential cooperation in addressing youth issues, intergenerational cooperation and population policies.  

Mr. Mosoti particularly emphasized the importance of working with young people to ensure that they bring the social change this country needs, especially in light of population projections for BiH in the next 50 years. Mr. Mosoti agreed that cooperation with decision makers is obligatory to make sure they are aware of how important youth are to BiH at the moment. He reiterated that working with young people is paramount and pointed out that entire families are leaving BiH, not just individuals, which is why UNFPA is determined to work both with institutions and with young people. 

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