Tea Pucar, Young Swede Interning at Institute

Tea Pucar is a 24-year-old from Stockholm, with BiH roots. Tea is an Anthropology graduate from the Upsala University in Sweden, and her Master’s Thesis was titled “Effect of Language on Youth in Mostar”. Tea’s research for her thesis focused on the ways youth in Mostar use language to strengthen and prove their collective identity.

Tea is very experienced with projects focusing on minorities, democracy, and sustainable development. Last year, she spent six months interning as a Project Coordinator and Amnesty International Sweden.

Her desire to learn about the culture of the country her family hails from led Tea to Sarajevo, where she will spend three months interning at the Institute for Youth Development KULT. She said she found the Institute while surfing the web and looking for an organization in BiH where she could intern.

Tea’s internship includes improving and applying training curricula when working with groups of young people attending the Institute’s courses. The hands-on work she does gives her an opportunity to learn about CSOs and the way they function in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her previous experience and knowledge is valuable for improving our internal procedures and manuals, intended to provide better access to international volunteers. Tea spends every single moment learning and focusing on personal development, all while happily sharing her knowledge with others by holding English and Swedish language workshops with volunteers.

 “I was looking for an organization where I could intern and learn about the system in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and I found the Institute for Youth Development KULT. I was thrilled, especially because of the Institute’s belief that youth are the ones who can affect democratic change in societies. My previous experience with international projects taught me the importance of networking and cooperation between government institutions and CSOs. I believe that emphasis should be on empowering citizens to take initiative. That’s why I decided to reach out to the Institute for Youth Development KULT. During my three-month internship, my aim is to research youth policies – do they exist and are they implemented – learn about youth activism and BiH legislation on youth, and compare my findings with the situation in Sweden”, said Tea. She added that her internship at the Institute also taught her about the work that the Kingdom of Sweden does in this country.

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