Successful Dialogue Between Young People and Diplomatic Representatives of the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany and Spain

A Dialogue between youth and diplomatic representatives of the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, and Spain took place in Livno. The event was attended by young people from Livno and surrounding towns such as Bugojno, Glamoč, and Tomislavgrad. These young people are members of NGOs, activists, volunteers, students, and entrepreneurs.

Young people had the opportunity to talk with Jan Waltmans, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in BiH; Daniel Hunn, Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation in BiH; Benjamin Sturtewagen, Head of the Diplomatic Office of the Kingdom of Belgium in BiH; Thomas Fitschen, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in BiH; and María Teresa Lizaranzu Perinat, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain in BiH.

During the Dialogue, young people talked about the needs and problems they face in this particular region. The discussions focused on specific topics such as corruption and its impact on social, political, and economic life; perspectives for young people with an emphasis on employment, self-employment, and support for entrepreneurship; and youth activism and their involvement in decision-making processes in their local communities. The participants also discussed other important topics relevant to youth in Livno and neighboring areas.

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The young people in attendance appreciated the opportunity to talk to diplomatic representatives about their problems and needs and share ideas for improving young people’s position in the country.  The needs of young people in this part of Bosnia and Herzegovina are much greater than in other regions, which means they need more attention. The visit by diplomatic representatives of the five countries and this event also aimed to attract the attention of government officials and encourage them to actively engage in addressing the highlighted issues.

Diplomatic representatives emphasized the importance of continuous dialogue with young people as a valuable contribution to youth-focused activities carried out in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The insights shared by young people will be useful when they engage with government representatives to highlight the need for policies that improve the quality of life for young people. This will result in more young people deciding to stay in the country.

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The Institute for Youth Development KULT supported the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bosnia and Herzegovina in organizing this event. This collaboration continues our successful partnership with embassies, and furthers our efforts to improve opportunities for young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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