Street Arts Festival in Mostar Hosts ROUTE WB6 Volunteers

The 10th Street Arts Festival which is being held in Mostar this summer will host volunteers from Albania, Kosovo*, Montenegro and Serbia through the ROUTE WB6 scheme.

The Street Arts Festival was launched by young enthusiasts, artists and activists intent on supporting regenerative processes in society and the space we share by bringing positive stories and art to the streets of a divided city. Over the past 10 years, the Street Arts Festival gave new life to many abandoned buildings and ruins throughout the city by transforming them into works of art with the help of many local and international artists. The festival has built a community of artists and a street art scene earning the reputation of one of the largest open-air galleries in the region. 

By signing a cooperation agreement with the Institute for Youth Development KULT, the Street Arts Festival became a host for ROUTE WB6 volunteers from the region. Ten young and motivated volunteers will spend 7 days in Mostar where they will participate in organizing and running the 10th edition of the festival. 

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The festival will allow volunteers to learn new skills by participating in creative activities and attending intercultural activities organized by the festival in cooperation with OKC Abrašević. In addition to engaging with art, these young people will have an opportunity to learn more about the history, culture and tradition of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The ROUTE WB6 volunteering program will use cross-border volunteering as a mechanism for overcoming social and ethnic barriers among young people in the region, and strengthening European social values that foster reconciliation, stability and prosperity in the Western Balkans.

The Institute for Youth Development KULT is part of a consortium led by the RYCO Regional Youth Cooperation Office in cooperation with organizations from the Western Balkans. The project is implemented with the support of Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

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