Providing Support to Youth in Local Communities in BiH

Within the project “Providing Support to Youth in Local Communities in BiH” implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), with the financial support of the Government of the United Kingdom, the Institute for Youth Development KULT will conduct two trainings for young people with or without prior political training or involvement. The goal of the trainings is to provide young people with the skills required for adopting a critical approach to information presented by political leaders and/or representatives of political parties. The participants will be able to recognize negative rhetoric and its effects on youth and the BiH population in general, and its detrimental impact on reconciliation and coexistence in BiH.

Participants of the training will learn about media literacy, political discourse analysis, and critical thinking. These are crucial skills for adopting a critical approach to information, using the proper tools and approaches to information and accessing real and objective data.

After completing the training, the participants will have an opportunity to put their new skills to use by implementing a local civil initiative targeting a problem or meeting a need they identified in their community. Their local civil initiative (LCI) should be designed in cooperation with other youth in the community, and the creators can rely on the Institute’s financial and advisory support throughout the process.

The project will include an analysis of political speech in the media during the election year. The analysis will focus on politicians’ statements encouraging divisions and using negative rhetoric, and young people will offer solutions for counteracting this type of public speech. Using objective data and facts, youth will create material intended to draw the attention of their peers and help them recognize negative rhetoric.

Contact information:

Šeherzada Halimić

tel.: + 387 33 778 767


Mirela Ajanović 

tel.: + 387 33 778 763


Aziz Đipa

tel.: + 387 33 778 766



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