Youth Work

Youth WorkYouth Workers

Youth Worker from Colorful Barracks

YOUTH WORKERS IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA The youth sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina is full of professionals working tirelessly to improve the position...

VolunteeringYouth Work

Enna Beširević: Youth In BiH Have Amazing Potential

Enna Beširević is a 21-year-old, who was born near Rotterdam (the Netherlands) and has roots in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She is studying Public...

Youth WorkYouth Workers

Dejan Rađen – Architect and Social Worker

YOUTH WORKERS IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA We continue our series about youth workers in Bosnia and Herzegovina with a story about Dejan Rađen...

Training and Workshops for Youth LeadersYouth Work

UMiDp Begins: Young Politicians Ready for Active Participation

The Institute for Youth Development KULT welcomed the third generation of the UMiDp training for young politicians. The participants – 23 young politicians...

Training and Workshops for Youth LeadersYouth Work

Youth From 15 Communities Ready to Think Critically

More than 30 young people from 15 local communities in BiH will be able to make well-informed decisions in the local elections thanks...

Training and Workshops for Youth LeadersYouth Work

UMiD Participants Making Great Strides in Personal Development and Contributing to Communities

The 16th generation of UMiD participants is taking bolder steps on their way to personal growth and development. This last weekend, they attended...

Human RightsYouth Work

Youth Warn About Violence Against Women and Girls in BiH

For years, the Institute for Youth Development KULT has been celebrating Orange Day, 25th day of each month, to draw attention to the...

Training and Workshops for Youth LeadersYouth Work

The Making of Youth Leaders

Youth policy is a comprehensive collection of institutional mechanisms for governmental care for youth. During the third module, the 15th generation of the...

Youth officersYouth Work

Public Call – Basic training for Youth Officers

Basic Training and Certification of Youth Officers in BiH Public Call 17.01.0-N2.1-4601 The Institute for Youth Development KULT is issuing a Public call...