UMiDp Begins: Young Politicians Ready for Active Participation

The Institute for Youth Development KULT welcomed the third generation of the UMiDp training for young politicians. The participants – 23 young politicians from 11 political parties from across Bosnia and Herzegovina, will take part in the training intended to prepare them to prioritize youth issues in BiH politics.

Adnan Avdić from Naša stranka said he has big expectations, and believes the training will live up to them, judging by the professional approach and dedication of the organizers and trainers.

Young Tonina Ibrulj from Ljubuško, a member of the Croatian Democratic Community (HDZ), shares this stance. “Education is key for youth who want to develop skills, in both formal and informal contexts, which is one of the reasons I decided to take part in this training”, said Tonina, adding that young people are the future, both in politics and other areas.

UMiDpis the Institute’s program for young political leaders from different political parties. Through 3 five-day modules, the participants learn how to navigate the political system in BiH, building their political image, and working on advocacy and negotiating skills they will use to address the problems and needs of young people.

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Ekrem Sarajlić from Vitez was recently voted chairman of the municipal organization SDP in Vitez. He says he’s prepared to take on the responsibility of this position and believes this training will help. “Although I’m very young, the entire municipal organization SDP in Vitez put their faith in me, and I’m positive that I can live up to their expectation. I intend to run in the October elections, and the analyses we conducted indicated that our results will be better than the ones 4 years ago”, said this ambitious and confident young man.

Miloš Kovačević from Laktaši is a member of Demokratski savez DEMOS. DEMOS is one of the youngest political parties on the BiH political landscape, but Kovačević notes that the party benefits from the mix of experienced members and new, young energy. Although he does not intend to run for office in the upcoming local elections, he is willing to put his knowledge to practical use to help achieve good election results. “Here we live in a state of perpetual election campaigning, since we have elections every two years. On top of that, it seems like the election campaign has already begun, even though it officially begins in September”, said Miloš, commenting on the current political situation in BiH.

This training is designed to put youth in the spotlight and train them to actively participate in their political parties, during and after elections so that they can competently advocate for young people. The first module takes place between February 19 and February 23, and is currently underway in Sarajevo. The next module will be held in Mostar in April, and the last, third module, will be held in Banja Luka in May 2020.

The training is implemented with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden in BiH.

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