Youth Work

Training and Workshops for Youth LeadersYouth Work

We Developed Youth Workers’ Social Skills

The third module of the Training for Expert Youth Work Associates, more commonly known as Youth Workers, was focused on social skills. Training...

Training and Workshops for Youth LeadersYouth Work

What Are We Doing to Implement Youth Laws in BiH?

How are we doing with the implementation of youth laws in BiH at all levels of government? This was the topic of the...

Youth WorkYouth Workers

How Do Youth Workers Communicate?

Communication in youth work was the topic of the second module of the Training for Expert Youth Work Associates, more commonly known as...

Training and Workshops for Youth LeadersYouth Work

Improve Job Seeking Skills to Make the Process Easier!

During the final, 10th, module, the participants of the 14th training Learn, Think, and Act! learned about Job seeking. The module was held...

Youth OfficesYouth Work

Event for Youth Officers: How Can We Build a Youth Friendly Community?

Everyday work done by Youth Officers in local communities is very important for the development of these communities, and for all the young...

Training and Workshops for Youth LeadersYouth Work

First Generation of UMiD for Adults Receive Certificates

The first generation of participants in the training course Learn, Think and Act! for Adults received their certificates, during a certificate award ceremony...

Human RightsYouth Work

Dancing Against Violence

Young women in Vlasenica, Sarajevo, Mostar, Bosanska Kruga, Visoko and Grude used zumba choreographies to celebrate Orange Day – International Day for Elimination...