Communication in youth work was the topic of the second module of the Training for Expert Youth Work Associates, more commonly known as Youth Workers.
During this module, the participants learned how to communicate with youth, methods and communication channels their organizations/institutions use. Through interactive work and experiential learning, the participants discussed the advantages of social networks and online media as tools in communicating with young people and overcoming challenges they face in their work. The second module was held from September 17 to September 21, 2019 in Sarajevo.
The training for expert associates on youth work comprises four training modules, practical work and testing. The topics are: youth work, communication with youth, social competences and organizational skills in youth work.
Expert associates on youth work, more commonly known as youth workers, are persons employed at youth centers, youth clubs, youth organizations, organizations working with youth or public institutions that support youth development. Expert associates on youth work support the professional, personal and educational development of young people. By working with youth on different ideas and initiatives, expert associates on youth work join forces with youth in improving their communities.
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