At the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth Spajalica, the Institute for Youth Development KULT, SHL and the XY Association held their first introductory workshops on the topic Methods and Models of Primary Prevention of Addiction in BiH, for youth of IlidĹľa Municipality. The students of International Primary School and Druga osnovna škola participated in the first workshop of the total VII modules planned with the JUPPO Project and conducted by the Association for Preventing Addiction NARKO-NO, together with the stated partners. 

Through educational-entertaining activities and an interactive approach, the students of the listed schools had the opportunity to learn more about their habits, attitudes towards addictions, as well as to participate actively in the workshops that encourage them to pursue a healthier lifestyle. Together with youth workers in training during their first educational module, two groups of students will have another workshop that will be held on 13 and 14 May at the Eductional-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA.

JUPPO Project responds to youth requirements through modules of self-improvement of youth workers and by networking the key actors in preventing addiction in BiH. The modules and workshops respond to the questions of how to protect children and youth in BiH from addiction, violence and autodestructive behavior. JUPPO Project will be realised through seven educational modules that will last 4-5 days each and will be held by international experts. 18 participants from all over BiH will adopt expert and pedagogic competences for practical work with youth in the area of preventing addiction. Organisations and institutions of the participants will join in an informal network in order to become a profiled partner in making decisions regarding improvement of raising conditions of children and youth in a society without addiction and violence. 


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