Institute’s Scholars on Seminar in Italy

In the end of previous month, three scholars of the Institute (Nedim Zekovi?, Senka Imamovi? and Ajla Haskovi?) participated in a training intended for youth workers held in Cagliari entitled “Easy Transitions – Work in Progress”. The 7-day training enabled youth representatives of the Institute to expand their knowledge on building capacities that will enable youth to increase their opportunities in labour market. New knowledge was acquired with youth and entrepreneurs from seven more countries – Italy, Estony, Serbia, Montenegro, Poland, Bulgaria and Albania.

The training was organised with the support of the Erasmus+ programme and the training was organised by Associazione TDM 2000 from Cagliari.

Non-formal educational methods were used during the training, such as role-play, simulations, discussions, group work, etc. by using a model of learning through work. Considering that the focus was placed on increasing youth employment, a lot of attention was dedicated to writing an innovative and creative CV, as well as providing advice on how to conduct during a job interview.

In order to “build” a good CV and be called  for a job interview, skills and competence are also very important. During the training, a simulation was made to gather necessary and most attractive skills requested by employers in the form of completing a Youth Pass Certificate. 10 top skills include: communication and social skills, entrepreneurship skills and initiative, managerial and leadership skills, time-organising skills, distributing budget and finances, information skills, healthy lifestyle, etc.

The scholars exchanged statistical data and stories of experience on the situation of youth in BiH with other participants, they exchanged examples of good practice, introduced themselves with active youth from different cultures and extended their knowledge on working in the youth sector.

Senka Imamovi?, a scholar of the Institute stated the following about this experience: “I am first of all happy that my first ERASMUS experience included traveling to a location as attractive as Sardinia. A more relaxed manner of work and non-formal methods that we used are definitely an easier path to acquire and distribute knowledge and exchange experiences. We had the opportunity to meet youth from different parts of Europe and convince ourselves that the problems we have are common to us all and that we can only work on the best ways to solve them. I would particularly emphasize the intercultural night that, through tradition, clothes and food, was the best indicator of our similarities and differences.”



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