A lecture entitled What are the preventive methods that a school, a parent and an individual in general can take to prevent deliquent behavior? was held at the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA. The lecture was held in collaboration with the Discipline Centre for Underage Youth and the students of Fourth Gymnasium and Graphic Design Technical High School.
The students were introduced with the notion of deliquent behavior, risk factors and protection factors of exposing socially unacceptable behavior forms. They were introduced with the role of familiy in the process of socialisation with the emphasis that the family may also be a risk factor (if it is disfunctional) , but also a protection factor (if functional). School also has a significant role in the socialisation process. Considering the crucial role of family and school in the socialisation process, it is a necessary step to work preventively in cooperation of the two subjects, as Samira Bogu?anin, an expert associate/pedagogist, emphasized. The students actively participated in the stated lecture.
This leads to the conclusion that, as long as we fight deliquency, and not its causes, we are extinguishing the flames, but not preventing the fire.
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