Željezno Polje, ‘We Must Not Stop!“ Initiative

It has been nearly a year since the floods and active landslides and the inhabitants of Ĺ˝eljezno Polje are still facing with disasterous consequences on a daily basis. For the six members of Pura family the only source of income used to be a small chicken farm. After the landslide had been activated, the little farm ceased working. Until today, the Pura family have been living of child benefits. 

The representatives of the Institute for Youth Development KULT have visited this family and handed them a donation of 150 chickens and chicken food, and after nearly a year, they have managed to put smiles back on their faces.

 pike daje puri piliceslika 1 plici nana place

The donation to restart the small business of chicken farming was provided with the financial support of the employees of the Gastroenterohepatology Clinic from Sarajevo.

In this video you can see how Željezno Polje appears today, 320 days after the landslides were activated.



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