Charter on Business and Human Rights Presented to Representatives of Trade Unions and Business Owners

During a meeting held on June 12, 2020, representatives of the Association of Employers of FBiH presented the Charter on Business and Human Rights to representatives of trade unions and retail business owners, created through the initiative Improving Human Rights Corporate Accountability in the BiH Business Sector. The Initiative is implemented by the Institute for Youth Development KULT in cooperation with the Association of Employers of FBiH and the financial support of the European Union.

The Charter consists of 15 articles concerning the prevention of human rights violations, involving stakeholders to ensure their voices and needs are heard, expressing commitment to equality, positive work environment, rejecting forced labor or involvement in human trafficking, espousing employees’ right to a communication system that offers all employees confidentiality when reporting any breach of policy.

Participants recognized the effort made by KULT and the Association of Employers and dedication to respecting and protecting human rights. The Association of Employers of FBiH will continue promoting the Charter to ensure that businesses recognize its value and adopt it.

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