In collaboration with the Association Kupujmo i koristimo doma?e (Buy and Use Domestic Products) the attendants of the School of Friendship had the opportunity to visit factories Sinalco and Milkos today. The aim of visit was to introduce the children with the process of producing milk and juice, in order to develop awareness on purchasing domestic products.
Polite staff welcomed them at the very entrance to Sinalco and Milkos, and as proper guides, they took them on a tour through both factories. First they visied Milkos, where the children were introduced with the whole process of packing milk and acquiring dairy products. Then the children had the opportunity to learn the meaning of different colours on milk containers and facts on importance of milk and dairy products in out diet. Then we visited Sinalco, where we also observed the process of making juice and finally packing it in different packaging.
In the end of our visit, the hosts treated us with juice and sweets, where we continued our discussion on the significance of purchasing domestic products and once again confirmed that through purchase of domestic products we support the development of BiH economy and provide better living conditions for us all.
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