High School Students Show Strong Interest in Anti-Corruption Workshop

Educational-Leisure Center for Youth SPAJALICA hosted students of the Secondary Technical School of Graphic Design and Multimedia Technologies during a workshop called “Speak up against corruption!”. During the workshop, high school students explored various forms of corruption and learned about its negative consequences for both youth and society as a whole.

Research conducted by the Institute for Youth Development KULT indicates that corruption is one of the main reasons why young people leave Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Corruption Quiz is an engaging, educational and interactive way to explore different aspects and types of corruption. Young people learn interesting information that can help them raise awareness about the negative effects of corruption and the need to fight this phenomenon. The Institute uses quizzes as an interactive and fun way to successfully engage youth in the fight against corruption.

Quiz winners were given prizes, and all the participants learned something new. We want to thank the Secondary Technical School of Graphic Design and Multimedia Technologies for their cooperation and for recognizing the importance of educating and informing young people about the negative impacts of corruption.

This workshop is part of the Say NO to Corruption initiative in Sarajevo Canton, implemented by the Institute for Youth Development KULT. This initiative is implemented with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

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