3-Day Strategic Planning for “Nautilus” Youth Association

The Institute for Youth Development KULT, with the support of the SOS Kinderdorf BiH as a partner, held a 3-day strategic planning for the “Nautilus” Youth Association.

The “Nautilus” Youth Association is a non-profit organization established in October 2014. This Association advocates for improvement of youth skills, competences and status. Primarily, the Association incites youth to work in order for them to use their leisure time in a quality manner. The “Nautilus” Association provides support to youth in promoting an active participation of its peers in public life. The Association operates at the SOS Kinderdorf Sarajevo.

Strategic planning is a process that aids the organizations in ensuring a long-term sustainability by analyzing their own organizations and surroundings in which they operate; it aids in defining the wanted future situation and determining key steps to undertake in order to achieve the aspiring goals. Representatives of “Nautilus” Youth Association wmphasized that the activities conducted in the past 3 days were of extreme importance for every organization.

“In the past 3 days, the “Nautilus” defined its strategic plan for the period 2016-2018, the action plan for the first year and the mission and vision of the organization” – stated Milan Todorovi?, the president of the “Nautilus” Youth Association. 

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The planning was attended by the members of the “Nautilus” Youth Association management, representatives of the SOS Kinderdorf BiH and volunteers that have been actively implementing the projects of this association.

“We are aware that the strategic plan is one of the basic documents of every organization and that the plan defines our development and work. Strategic planning includes the SWOT analysis, defining the mission and vision of the organization, internal and external strategic goals” – added Milan Todorovi?, the president of the “Nautilus” Youth Association.

The “Nautilus” Association conducted its first initiative “Friends without Borders” successfully, and besides the formal items, it managed to achieve major success, i.e. to create friendly relationships between youth from Srbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is a lifetime relationship. The project that is currently being implemented is UMiD (Learn, Think and Act) online, as support to the Institute for Youth Development KULT, which made the Association the second regional online education center. A series of workshops were organized at the Association for the purpose of promoting the project and informing youth on its possibilities and use.

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