The 5th Session of the Committee on Finance and Budget of the Parliamentary Assembly’s House of People was held on 21 July 2015. During its first committee stage, in which it deliberated the Proposal of Law on Determining Salaries of Employees in BiH Institutions, as well as the Proposal of Law on Changing the Law on Salaries and Compensations in BiH Institutions, the Committee on Finance and Budget of the Parliamentary Assembly’s House of People of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PSBiH) postponed its response to the proposed legislative that was included in the agenda during the session. On the occassion, the Committee adopted a resolution by which it authorised the Council of Ministers of BiH to develop and deliver to parliamentary procedure a new text of the Proposal of the Law on Salaries and Compensations in BiH Institutions in 90 days, with regards to the Policy of Salaries and Compensations in BiH Institutions, Law on Conflict of Interests in BiH Institutions, and the whole legislature that determins employment and legal status and the area of salaries and all categories of compensation in BiH institutions.
The Committee adopted the Plan for Deliberating Audit Reports on Financial Activities of BiH Institutions for 2014, by which the proposition on distributing reports on audit of institutions of BiH for the Committee members was adopted. On the occassion, the Committee also adopted the Conclusion through which it proposed to the House of People of the PSBiH to publicly honour the institutions who were given positive feedback for the transparency of their work, coordination of their activities with the relevant legislature and conscientious use of budget funds.
The Committee was introduced with the Orientation Agenda of the Parliamentary Assembly’s House of People of BiH for the period from 20 May to December 2015.
The Information on Participating in a Preparatory Seminar of the Committee on Finance and Budget of the Parliamentary Assembly’s House of People was also acknowledged, as well as the Information on Participating in the Workshop on Gender-Responsible Budgeting and Gender Equality, and Information on the members of the Committee on Finance and Budget’s visit to the Audit Office of the Institutions of BiH.
More information can be found HERE.
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