During the 14th session of the Committee on Finance and Budget of the Parliamentary Assembly’s House of People of BiH (PSBiH), the principles of the Proposal of Law on Amendments of Law on Salaries and Compensations of the Institutions in BiH, proposed by the House of Representatives of PSBiH, were supported.
With this proposal of Law, the Article 48 of the Law on Salaries and Compensations of the Institutions in BiH is stipulated to be deleted. In the Article 48 of the Law it was determined that the “appointed officials and office holders, after their public function ceases, have the right on compensation for extension of the employment status until they acquire the employment status with a different subject or fulfil retirement conditions, lasting for no longer than one year from the day of cessation of the function”, as well as that “the compensation includes the basic net wage with addition to past working experience and taxes and contributions in accordance with the provisions that regulate the area”.
The Report of Performed Audit of Effect on topic “Transparency of Work of the Institutions in BiH” was adopted with recommendations. The conclusion was also adopted that will be addressed to the Parliamentary Assembly’s House of People and that obliges the Council of Ministers of BiH to report the Committee within 6 months on the performed activities in the implementation of recommendations from the Report and to introduce the Auditing Office of the Institutions in BiH on the performed activities.
The Committee adopted, with recommendations, the Report on Performed Audit of Effect on topic: “Managing Customs Terminals”. The conclusion was also adopted that will be forwarded to the House for voting and that obliges the Board of Directors of the Indirect Tax Administration of BiH to, within 6 months, report to the Committee on planned and conducted activitieson implementation of recommendations from the Report and to introduce the Auditing Office of the Institutions in BiH on the performed activities.
The Report on the work of the Committee for 2015 was also adopted, along with the Orientation Working Plan for 2016.
The Information of the Secretary of the Committee on finance and Budget on the realized conclusions of the Committee for 2015 was accepted. The conclusion was adopted that obliges the Office of Secretary of the Committee to prepare urgencies for the institutions responsible for the realization for every individual item of the Information, where the realization degree is not at a satisfactory level, and to introduce the Collegium of the House with these activities.
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