Youth Say: We Will Elect!

The Institute for Youth Development KULT has decided to send a direct video message in the pre-election period to youth who have the right to vote in the 2014 general elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is noticeable that neither the media, nor the politicians, nor the candidates in the upcoming elections, mention youth enough and offer concrete programmes for a better life for the most disempowered population in Bosnia and Herzegovina.    

“The video sends a strong and direct message to youth who have the right to vote. We wanted to put an emphasis on youth, their seriousness and the readiness to vote and elect. It is necessary to additionally motivate youth to vote. More than 600.000 youth have the right to vote and that is the real power, even more so because the leading party in the previous elections had less than 300.000 votes. This is why the youth message is clear. “We will elect! Youth really do decide on democracy”, stated Tarik Kapetanovi?, Institute for Youth Development PR.   

Although the thought that youth do not vote is common in BiH, election statistics show the opposite- Youth comprise 21,4% of the electorate in BiH, and their turnout in the 2010 general elections is about 52%, approximate to the total turnout of about 58%. The decisive reason for voting is the idea that they may contribute improvements in the society, which is an extremely important indicator of political emancipation and youth evolution, rarely found in older population categories where tradition, ideology, fear, sympathy and antipathy are the decisive reasons to vote. This is why we may say that we have deconstructed the stereotype that youth do not vote because they do not believe it can bring positive changes to the society. 

The Institute for Youth Development KULT, in collaboration with partners, is implementing the initiative “Youth Decide on Democracy – Youth Participation in Election Process” – aiming to contribute strengthening civil society role in promoting human rights and democracy reforms in the youth sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Kirghizstan, Serbia, Macedonia and their consolidation in political participation, representation and support in the democratic transition process.

This process aims to ensure youth participation in building democracy, and forming a better collaboration between civil society organisations sharing problems of transition democracies. The project is supported by the EU Commission in Brussels the German Embassy in Sarajevo.  


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