The Federal Ministry of Development, Entrepreneurship and Crafts issued a Call for financial support to municipalities with the goal of developing a business infrastructure and harnessing the potential of entrepreneurial zones in FBiH. Funds can be used for building new or improving the already existing entrepreneurial zones in FBiH.
Project proposals should reflect the development priorities of municipalities and further the following goals:
– building a utility infrastructure in entrepreneurial zone where the lack of such an infrastructure precludes the development of entrepreneurship;
– improving the services for the development of entrepreneurship, as an economic growth factor at the local level.
Beneficiaries can be units of local government in FBiH, individually or in partnership with other units of local government, public institutions, the private of non-governmental sector.
The duration of the project must not exceed 9 (nine) months after the day the implementation started, and should be concluded by the end of September 2015. The deadline for submitting project proposals is October 31, 2014.
More information about the Call is available here.
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