Youth Officer Training on Gender Equality

Youth Officers work in a dynamic environment which dictates that they “keep pace with time”, i.e. keep pace with youth who dictate trends. Working with youth who are transitioning from the dependency of childhood into the independence of an adult is a challenge for the society, especially for Youth Officers, who, as government officials, are in direct contact with youth. Therefore, their role in encouraging the social engagement of youth is important, and the responsibility for fostering correct values among youth which will take root in the democratic society even more important.

Youth Officers manage all youth programmes and activities at a certain level of government. They advocate, plan, develop, implement, evaluate and improve activities aimed at enhancing young people’s quality of life.

They contribute to the individual development of youth by improving their position in general. They create prerequisites for the economic and social progress of the community, by ensuring the implementation of the government’s care for youth. Youth Officers improve the lives of youth by influencing the government’s priorities in youth work in different areas such as employment, education, informing, healthcare, mobilising, meaningful leisure time, etc. At the same time, it provides the best source of information on youth for everyone else, and the most relevant source for youth with regards to their needs.

Youth consider themselves to be the force behind changes and initiators of a better, more efficient system, since they often defy the predominant social norms imposed by “adults”. However, through observing youth a trend is revealed towards a relapse in traditionalism concerning gender roles and relationships among youth, giving young women and men traditional unequal roles in the society.

Youth Officers, as representative individuals who can influence youth, should work on developing an efficient domestic, legal, institutional and political framework for applying the principles of gender equality among youth, building on already existing international principles incorporated in the legislation of BiH and good practice from the area.

The implementation of the Law on Gender Equality in BiH is not the exclusive obligation of institutional mechanisms for gender equality, but also of all institutions, organisations and individuals in our society, including Youth Officers.

In its work, the Institute demonstrates an approach to equality which comprises not only the fight against gender discrimination and the need for social justice, but as a prerequisite for social and economic progress and development of the country with particular emphasis on improving the lives of youth.

In cooperation with the Centre for International Development of the State University of New York (SUNY/CID), in the project Strengthening Governing Institutions and Processes in BiH, the Institute strengthens the gender component in the process of creating laws and the budget as a reflection of a country’s priorities.

Youth Officers have an opportunity to learn key things about laws related to gender equality and acquire skills to apply them, during the training organized by the Gender Equality Agency. For more information about the training and how to participate, visit the official website of the Civil Service Agency of BiH.


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