Youth Need Help Starting Their Own Business

Conducted research studies show that a significant number of youth find starting their own business an exit from the current situation (about 45% of youth in RS considered starting their own business); however, what lacks is support: financial, consulting and educational (79% of youth in FBiH believe a business training would be of use). 

The Institute for Youth Development KULT took a concrete step by signing grassroots level agreements with nine local communities from Bosnia and Herzegovina to help solving the high youth unemployment rate in BiH. Therefore, with the help of the Swiss government and within the frame of Youth Employment Project, in collaboration with local communities of Bosanska Krupa, Isto?na IlidĹľa, Gra?anica, Kakanj, Novi Travnik, OdĹľak, Isto?no Sarajevo, Tešanj and Vlasenica – the Institute is efficiently affecting solving the problem of supporting young entrepreneurs and youth self-employment.   

The Institute for Youth Development KULT started the youth entrepreneurship initiative since youth see unemployment as the main reason for leaving Bosnia and Herzegovina. This initiative aims to take a concrete step that will grow into a mechanism for youth to apply in their local community for funds in order to start their own business. We do not want this mechanism to be present in one year only but to be a budget item year after year. Refuting the prejudice that youth only aim to work in government structures, research studies show that youth want to start their own business, if supported. The Institute will continue to negotiate with the municipal mayors who should adopt this mechanism aiming to reduce youth drain form Bosnia and Herzegovina, stated Jasmin Beši?, Executive Director of the Institute for Youth Development KULT.

The total number of the unemployed in our country reached 552 751 in October 2013. Youth unemployment is one of the most serious problems of the BiH society. Data show that 77% of youth would leave FBiH whereas 42% of youth in Republika Srpska think that they should leave the rural areas they live in as soon as possible.

–    Isto?na IlidĹľa municipality is actively participating in all projects initiated by the Institute for Youth Development KULT. Our aim is to support such projects because of our awareness that youth should not seek employment in state bodies only. We should encourage youth as much as possible to choose developing their own business and living a life people of Isto?na IlidĹľa, Republika Srpska and the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina are worthy of, stated one of the contractors, mayor Predrag Kova?.  

–          Tešanj municipality had the opportunity to share their experiences and the support model for youth in starting their own business with other municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. “This is a chance to exchange experiences and upgrade our existing system. We have been financing youth in the past four years in starting their businesses and in the four years we have had 24 business subjects started by youth with 44 workers and I can openly say that the youth employment model turned out quite successful”, added Tešanj municipality major, Suad Huski?.

Good practice examples from the initiative will encourage other local communities to implement the same or similar measures and recognize youth entrepreneurship as a key component in solving the unemployment issue in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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