KULT at NARKO NE Celebration

On Saturday, September 27, 2014. in hotel Bistrica on Jahorina, the project Older brother, older sister, implemented by the NARKO-NE association from the beginning, celebrated ten years of work. The celebration was attended by more than 150 guest, mostly children, who give meaning to the project and the celebration. Also present were volunteers of all projects in NARKO-NE, donors, associates and partners, including a representative of the Institute.

The children, with the help of volunteers, did a short performance with graphics and photos, showing the development of the project throughout the years, the new activities and municipalities included in each cycle. After the presentation of the project, we had a pleasant lunch which gave us an opportunity to exchange experiences with the children participating in the project. We got positive feedback, which will certainly contribute to the development of the project. After lunch we continued with creative workshops for the children, enabling them to directly participate and show their skills.

I am thrilled. The workshops are very interesting and creative, as is the programme. I am glad that NARKO-NE works with children from different backgrounds and difference centres for children, involving them in workshops and providing them with the possibility to be active and spend time with others. I hope we will continue our cooperation.” said Koristovi?, representative of the Institute.

narko ne


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