Youth Kept out of Media Because They Have Something to Say

The BiH society needs more communication between youth and government representatives. This is one of the conclusions from “Coffee time with… the Vice President of FBiH, Milan Dunovi?”, organised by the Institute for Youth Development KULT, as one part of the Training for Youth Officers.

During “Coffee time with…” the participants discussed the position of youth in BiH, education, lack of communication with youth, and brain drain caused by youth leaving the country.

Youth from different parts of BiH share the same opinions, and cite unemployment, inadequate education system, corruption and legal insecurity as reasons for leaving. This needs to be addressed.” – said the Vice President of the Federation of BiH Milan Dunovi?.

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The participants discussed the Youth Strategy in BiH, and agreed that it must be adopted as soon as possible, because a strategy is the basis for developing policies to keep youth in the country, and to improve the quality of life. They talked about the problems faced by youth and they ways they are trying to change the current situation through their activism.

“Youth have something to say, and that’s why they’re being kept out of the media.” – says Milan Dunovi?, Vice President of the Federation of BiH.

Events in the “Coffee time with…” series are held with various public figures, with the intention to motivate participants to talk to different people who can tell them what doors they should knock on and how to fight for a better position for youth. 


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