The Institute for Youth Development KULT organised four focus groups in Ilidža over the past weekend (22 – 23 June, 2013), the results of which will be used in creating youth policies at cantonal and federal levels. The young participants from FBiH discussed topics relevant to them: education, employment, mobility, health care, leisure, social policies, etc. Their attitudes on these topics will be of great value in creating a youth strategy in FBiH and Sarajevo Kanton.
The participants came from different backgrounds: pupils, students, (un)employed youth, youth with different marital statuses, differing levels of civic engagement. It is precisely this diversity that paints the true picture of youth in FBiH.
The focus groups were organised as part of the initiative Podrška mladima u Federaciji BiH implemented by the Institute with the support of the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports.
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