Youth Council of Gra?anica Municipality Holds Founding Assembly

On 9 March 2013, the Founding Assembly of the Youth Council of Gra?anica Municipality was held at the youth centre ANEA in Gra?anica. The Youth Council comprises the following youth associations: UM Velika djeca Orahovica, UM Sijedi krš Babi?i and UM Storm Gym. During the Assembly, the Statute was adopted and the members of the Managing Board were nominated. Mr. Muharem Šehi? was elected President of the Managing Board.

The Assmebly Meeting was attended by the guests representing the Youth Council of Srebrenik and Lukavac Municipalities, representatives of the youth organisations UM Pibave JUNAJ, UG Anea and UM Stari grad Soko, and Mr. Mirza HodĹľi?, Youth Officer of Gra?anica Municipality.


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