Words Hurt, Too!?

The Orange Day was commemorated in Sarajevo through a street action during which the activists of the Institute for Youth Development KULT symbolically, in festive spirit, shared cookes to the citizens of Sarajevo with messages against violence over women and girls. 

Words hurt, too!? If you do not fight violence, you support violence! Cease the silence! 

These are only some of the messages that the Institute for Youth Development KULT used to say NO TO VIOLENCE over women and girls to the citizens of Sarajevo. The aim was, according to Mirela Ajanovi? from the Institute for Youth Development KULT, to raise awareness of the BiH citizens on the presence of violence over women in our country. “Violence is omnipresent in Bosnia and Herzegovina and although we are more-less aware of that, many people keep quiet about it. Every fifth woman in Bosnia and Herzegovina experienced a form of violence in her lifetime. By commemorating every 25th of the month, we try to fight violence in various manners but to also fight against the stigma.” 

Representatives of the Institute state that there is a very small number of women who do not keep quiet about the violence they experienced. That is precisely why a woman who walked away from violence, fought for herself and is successful today, was also included in this month’s action. “Mehira Crnica, a single mother of four is a successful entrepreneur today. The cupcakes we distributed to the citizens were made in her Dream Cookies workshop. We are proud that precisely she was the part of our action” – stated Mirela Ajanovi? from the Institute for Youth Development KULT. 

The Secretary General of the UN declared every 25th of the month as “Orange Day”, the day of remembering the importance of preventing, stopping and punishing violence over women and girls. 

The “Orange Voices” initiative is conducted with the support of the American Embassy in BiH. 






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