volontiraj.ba – First Corporate Volunteering Platform in BiH

While volunteering itself is commonplace, corporate volunteering stories remain mostly untold. Although there are examples of corporate volunteering in BiH, there is also a lack of systematic support in developing this type of volunteering and promoting examples of good practice, which sometimes leaves companies unaware of how much they’re contributing to the development of their communities. This is why the Institute for Youth Development KULT launched volontiraj.ba, an online platform designed to offer systematic support and promote corporate volunteering.

Corporate volunteering is a type of social engagement planned, organized and implemented by employees, and approved and encouraged by company management. Corporate volunteering is a type of social engagement where employees of a company spend one or more workdays volunteering to improve the community, and their employers treat those days as regular workdays with full pay for employees who took part. By encouraging corporate volunteering, companies show that they’re socially responsible and interested in learning about the community they operate in. 

The platform www.volontiraj.ba allows associations to present projects where they could use the help of corporate volunteers. Companies will be able to support them with their expertise and show social responsibility and care for the community. Registration is free for both associations and companies.

“With corporate volunteering, companies give some of their work hours for a social cause, allowing their employees to directly help those who need their help, which is guaranteed to make them proud of themselves and their company. This way, you are contributing to company development, building your brand, improving the community and allowing employees to give their skills and knowledge to those who need them. Corporate volunteering can be a great opportunity for quality team building for any company”, said Šeherzada Halimić, initiative manager.

The platform volontiraj.ba was created by the initiative “Improving Human Rights Corporate Accountability in the BiH Business Sector” implemented by the Institute for Youth Development KULT in cooperation with the Association of Employers of FBiH and with the support of the European Union.



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