UMiD Training Starts for 12th Generation of Participants

The 12th generation of UMiD have started their training.

During the first module of the training, 33 youth will work on developing leadership skills and teamwork with the group.

The training is held by the Institute for Youth Development KULT in partnership with the Association Nautilus and the YES Center, SOS Children’s Villages youth program. The goal of this module is introducing participants to the training, allowing them to get to know each other and to grow.

UMiD training allows youth to become active leaders in their local community and help solve youth issues, make new friends, learn new skills, socialize and grow.

During the training, the participants will have the opportunity to come up with a concrete activity intended to address a problem they recognised in the local community, whose implementation will be supported by YES Center, SOS Children’s Villages’ Youth Program.


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