Training on Methodology for Members of Working Group

On Wednesday, February 11, 2015, the second meeting of the Working group for writing the draft text of the youth strategy was held at the Institute for Youth Development KULT. The meeting was organised by the Ministry of Culture and Sports – the coordinator of the process of developing the strategy – and the Institute as the expert consultant of the Government of BiH during this process. 

During the meeting, members of the Working group were provided with statistics in the area of youth policy in Europe and the world. The meeting was in the form of a training on methodology and included discussions on the legal grounds for passing a youth strategy in FBiH, the process of developing the document, the methodology and the most frequent mistakes regarding the discreteness of a policy and a strategy. 

The groundwork for developing the strategy was the survey on the problems and needs of youth in FBiH, presented in a document called Towards a Youth Policy: Survey on the Position and Needs of Youth, created by the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Institute. It was pointed out that the process of developing the document consists of conducting a detailed analysis of the problem, the causes and consequences, defining strategic goals, desired results and framework measures, consolidating strategic goals for each area, determining the competent institutions and writing the draft of the document. The Working group agreed on their task and the timeframe. 

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Members of the Working groups were learned about activities planned for the following period. The next meeting is expected to be in the form of a study visit to the Republic of Croatia, more precisely the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth and the Croatian Youth Network. The study visit is planned to be organised in the first half of March.   


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