Tips for Organizations: Boost Your Public Visibility

Institute for Youth Development KULT held the eighth NGO MeetUp on the topic of Promotion and Marketing – Challenges and Successes. The recommendations below stem from discussions with Dr. Sanela Tunović, director of the Via Media PR agency, Bernard Pavlinović, art director of the Triptih Sarajevo agency, and Almira Panjet, freelance journalist.

  • Passion, focus, and continuity are the foundations of successful promotion

Dedication and persistence in promoting a specific issue, even with limited resources, are the keys to success for non-governmental organizations. Therefore, passion and focus are indispensable elements in promoting the work of non-governmental organizations. Successful campaigns are driven by passionate teams that stay committed to their goals. Even after a project ends, the organization should keep promoting its core values and beliefs. It is crucial for the organization to consistently inform the public about a specific problem to maintain focus on its goals, gradually change public awareness, and pave the way for future project achievements.

  • Use inspiration from different sources to achieve effective promotion!

Inspiration for promoting an organization can be found in a variety of sources, including target group analysis, research, trend monitoring, and more. Careful planning and targeted strategies can help organizations effectively promote their goals. For promotion to be relevant and captivating to the target audience, it must authentically reflect the organization’s core values and identity. Even with limited resources, organizations can use creative strategies for promotion. This includes social media as a low-cost and effective tool, using free marketing platforms like blogs, and forming partnerships with other organizations or individuals to expand influence and reach new audiences.

  • Design that stands out

The graphic design of the campaign is certainly at the heart of the promotion. Campaign graphics should be simple yet effective in conveying the organization’s key messages. In most cases, design is the first thing that draws the public’s attention to the organization’s campaign. Although you can draw inspiration from everywhere around you, including current trends, it’s important to be unique and do something that hasn’t been done before. Campaigns that break away from conventional norms have a greater chance of standing out compared to those that adhere strictly to established promotion patterns. Bold, lively, humorous, or provocative promotional materials can attract the public eye and ensure that the intended message is effectively conveyed and embraced by the public.

  • For a message to be effective, the design needs to be cohesive

The combination of colors, typography, and graphics should be carefully crafted so it all ties together and effectively communicates the organization’s message. It is crucial to pay attention to details such as fonts, proportions, and the positioning of visual components to achieve the desired aesthetic and communication impact. Consistency and clarity in communicating the topic through all design elements are essential to help the audience identify with the organization’s message more effectively. Maintaining consistency in the design of all materials within a specific theme contributes to better recognition and clear messaging.

  • The choice of tools can be crucial for good visibility

Organizations with limited resources should still not resort to designing promotional materials in applications like MS Word. If organizations want to create promotional materials for digital media, applications like Canva can be suitable. However, this is not advisable for printed materials due to different graphic standards and requirements. If this is the case, the organization should seek out an expert who would volunteer to assist in creating promotional materials. If this approach is not feasible, the organization can explore alternative promotion methods, such as sharing photos and personal, positive stories about beneficiaries.

  • Social media is a powerful tool for increasing your organization’s visibility

Social networks are a powerful tool for spreading information and increasing visibility. Trends such as videos, interactive stories, and influencer marketing can significantly enhance an organization’s visibility on social media. Using relevant hashtags, consistently posting, and actively engaging with the audience is essential for improving visibility. Social media, which is inherently interactive, provides an excellent platform for engaging in two-way communication with the public. As an organization builds its reputation, the media often begin to watch its posts and share the information they find on the organization’s social media pages.

  • Build an emotional connection with your audience

By sharing the life stories of users who have benefited from the projects, organizations can effectively communicate their mission, values, and impact to the community. This approach can deeply resonate with people and foster an emotional connection between the organization and its audience. Using authentic stories that depict the successes, challenges, and overall impact of projects—rather than just highlighting activities—can create a deeper connection with the audience.

  • Collaborating with public figures enhances the organization’s visibility

Cooperation with public figures can have a significant impact on the promotion of the organization. However, it is important to always maintain authenticity and integrity. Association with public figures can bring greater visibility and support, but it is important for this cooperation to reflect the values and goals of the organization. Establishing long-term partnerships with public figures can enhance the organization’s brand and foster greater community support over time. When choosing a public figure to collaborate with, thorough research into their background, attitudes, and beliefs is crucial to mitigate potential negative outcomes. It’s essential to find someone whose values align with the organization’s values and who will authentically represent them. This authenticity will ensure that your message resonates with the audience. It’s important to bear in mind that collaborating with famous individuals carries inherent risks, such as potentially conflicting viewpoints or negative reactions from the public.

  • Clarity and accessibility are paramount

Functional design should not only effectively communicate the organization’s message but also ensure that the information is easily understood and accessible to the audience. In order to achieve maximum efficiency and visibility, the design should be tailored to the target audience and communication channel.

When creating a design, it is important to avoid big blocks of text that can overwhelm the audience with information. Strategies such as using clear and concise messages and incorporating visual elements that emphasize key information contribute to creating a clear and engaging design. Using graphics instead of text can make the message even easier to understand, especially when dealing with complex concepts or statistics are involved.

  • Tailor the design to the target audience 

Adapting the design to the target audience is crucial for its effectiveness. Different demographics may have different preferences and information consumption habits. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand your audience and tailor your design to capture their attention and interest. For instance, younger audiences may prefer dynamic and interactive elements, whereas older audiences may prioritize simplicity and transparency.

  • Share “real time” stories with the media

The secret to successful communication with the media lies in providing continuous and clear information, as well as offering interesting and relevant content. Proactively connecting with the media and providing additional information can be crucial for having better media coverage. The organization should be prepared to respond to media inquiries, provide additional information, and offer comments to ensure the best possible media presence and positive representation of the organization.


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